October Newsletter: New Dashboard, Reports, and Explanation Video.

October 25, 2024 by
October Newsletter: New Dashboard, Reports, and Explanation Video.
Emmie Ward



OmniSite Tech Tips 



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  • NEW Pump Calculation table
  • New Device Setup page with Audit Log feature
  • Updated Notifications page
  • Updated Current Alarms page
  •  Stabilized export feature across all reports 
  • NEW Explanation Video

New Pump Calculation Report​

Take a look at the pump calculations report in the multi-station view on the dashboard for a quick overview!

In Multi Station view export your data in PDF, CSV, or XLS to compare pump runtimes, cycles, drawdown, and flow rate of all 3 pumps.​

New Device Setup Page with Audit Log​

Introducing the audit log

Under the gear icon you will find the device settings page. If you are ever curious about changes at your stations, expand the plus button listed next to the inputs or alarm to see a full audit log of what has been changed and by who.

Updated Notifications Page​

Notifications just got easier

On the left-hand side of your screen, you will see a bell icon, where the notifications page resides. Come here to see a full audit of when the alarm triggered, who has acknowledged the alarm, what time the acknowledgement was received, and by what method.  

Updated Current Alarm Page​

An overview of current alarms

The current alarm page displays all current alarms for a station or all stations if you are in multi station mode. 

Media heading

Take a look at our instructional video on how to utilize the revamped dashboard in GuardDog. We're rolling out a three-phase update, and this is only the start! Hit the button below to dive in and discover more!


Halloween Fun Fact  

The origins of trick-or-treating trace back to ancient Celtic traditions. During Samhain, people would dress up in costumes and leave out food to appease wandering spirits. This evolved over time into a tradition where people, especially children, would visit houses in disguise to receive food, which eventually became candy!


Omnichannel sales

What’s a wastewater operator’s favorite type of music? 

Anything with good flow!